I'm Anagha Kelkar

Fall 2017 Graduate student at USC

  • FULL NAME Anagha Kelkar
  • ADDRESS Apt 02,2652 ellendale place,Los Angeles, California-90007
  • E-MAIL aukelkar@usc.edu
  • PHONE +1 (512) 960-7043

About Me

I am a Computer Science Fall 2017 graduate student at University of Southern California(USC).

Technical skills
Programming Languages: Java, Ruby on Rails, Python, C++, R
Framework & API: Spring MVC, Hibernate, Google Visualization API, REST APIs
Databases: MySQL, SQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Gremlin, SQL server 2008
Web-based languages: HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, Angular, node.js, JSP, Servlets, Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform
Application Software: NetBeans IDE, Java WTK, Eclipse, Adobe Flash Builder, Bootstrap, Git

I am a graduate student at University of Southern California, majoring in Computer science graduating in May 2019. I have previously completed my bachelors in Information Technology.

I have a couple of years of experience as a software engineer at an Ecommerce company Infibeam.com where I was working on rewards and loyalty system and Ecommerce application using Ruby on Rails, HTML, CSS and JavaScript technologies.

My most recent experience at NXP has been developing a data pipeline and Information Supply chain for automation of user manuals. I achieved this goal with about 90-95 % accuracy. Goal of a project was to design a data pipeline for automation of documents from source data and make it available to end users as a published pdf. Also to develop automated data flows and tools to generate documents that will result in efficiency gains.

Along with the experience in industry, I have worked on several academic and non-academic projects where I developed applications using programming languages such as Java and Python, web technologies as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Node.js, databases as MySQL, MongoDB and also big data technologies as Hadoop.

One reason, I enjoy this software field is here, every day work challenges me to do better, also it is the opportunity to learn every day and grow.

My real strength is my attention to detail. I pride myself on my reputation for following through and meeting deadlines. When I commit something, I make sure it gets done and on time.

With this experience under my belt, I am looking for an new opportunity to take the next step in my career and I feel I am now ready for a more challenging assignment.


August 2017 - May 2019

University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California

Master of Science in Computer Science | GPA 3.75/4
Coursework: Analysis of Algorithms (B+) , Database systems (A), Web Technologies (A-), Applied Natural Language Processing (A), Artificial Intelligence, Information Retrieval and Web Search Engines

August 2011 - June 2015

Vivekanand Education Society's Institute of Technology, Mumbai University

Bachelor's of Engineering in Information Technology | GPA 3.95/4
Coursework: Data Structures & Algorithms, Databases, Game Programming, Internet Programming, Operating Systems, Artificial Intelligence

Professional history

June 2018 - August 2018

Developer Intern

NXP Semiconductors

Goal of a project is to design a data pipeline for automation of documents from different source data and make it available to end users also develop automated data flows and tools to generate documents (such as data sheets, PDF) that will result in efficiency gains.

Technologies used: Ruby - Origen, HTML-CSS (Frontend), Javascript (Scripting language).

• Performed data engineering functions such as data extract, transformation, loading (ETL).
• Prepared project plan and created system design with the help of flowcharts and data flow diagramming.
• Developed API to fetch data from different sources and store at a central storage system.
• Converted all the incoming data to a common format (spreadsheet).
• Extracted specific data required for publications for end users using classifier.
• Developed tool to convert spreadsheet to XML format and XML to PDF format for end users.
• Developed framework, metrics and reporting to ensure progress can be measured, evaluated and continually improved.

Automation workflow achieved accuracy of about 90%.

July 2015 - July 2017

Software Engineer

Infibeam Digital Entertainment PVT. LTD.

As a backend developer with 2 years of experience, my background includes strong knowledge of back-end development with Ruby on Rails, as well as front end development with Javascript including libraries such as jQuery, HTML and CSS, Excellent troubleshooting, debugging and analytical skills, well-organized, self-motivated, able to work with minimal supervision, able meet deadlines and handle multiple projects.

Technologies used: Ruby on Rails (as backend developer), HTML-CSS (Frontend), JavaScript (Scripting language) with libraries including JQuery.

• Assisted in preparation of web based, production applications and prototypes through RoR web development.
• Developed a website in MVC architecture from scratch using Rails and various gems.
• Developed scalable solutions for collection of data and delivery of timely and efficient solutions.
• Implemented slow-query-log mechanism to improve database performance.
• Executed processes for development of existing backend applications and server systems.
• Designed new backend features and services to support client applications • Implemented Ajax for dynamic updating of the part of a page, avoiding full page refresh.
• Implemented security and data protection mechanisms against session hijacking.
• Resolved operational and development issues by proper and timely resolution and handling.
• Set up and maintained applications on Amazon Web Services.
• Designed and implemented database architecture for applications using various databases (MongoDB, MySQL).
• Communicated weekly reports to team members.
• Developed test drive / test first unit tests using Rspec.
• Implemented all the API’s and functionality utilizing TDD principles like rspec, factorygirl for mobile applications.
• Developed interface for AWS S3 to Rails application communication channel using paperclip and aws-s3 gem.


May 2018 – Jul 2018

Library management system

Technologies: Java, Spring MVC, Hibernate, MySQL
Project manages the catalog of a library and helps to keep the records of whole transactions of the books in a library.
1) Easy way to enter new books.
2) Check in / check out of a book.
3) Keep record of complete information of a book like book name, author name, publisher's name, date/year of publication, cost of the book.
4) Automatic fine calculation for late returns.
5) Search a book by name and author name.
6) Different kinds of reports:
- Total number of books.
- Total number of issued books.
- Status of availability of a book.
7) Online access for registered user to check the status of a book.

Jun 2018 – Jul 2018

Object Detection using Haar Classifier

Technologies: Python, OpenCV
Develop face detection using Haar Classifiers on static image as well as live video.
Haar classifier is a machine learning based approach , an algorithm created by Paul Viola and Michael Jones. Trained from many positive images (with faces) and negative images (without faces).
OpenCV is the most popular library for computer vision. OpenCV uses machine learning algorithms to search for faces within a picture. Because faces are so complicated, there isn’t one simple test that will tell you if it found a face or not. Instead, there are thousands of small patterns and features that must be matched.

May 2018 – Jun 2018

Tweet Sentiment

Technologies: Python, Tweepy, TextBlob
Perform Sentiment Analysis on Twitter for a specific keyword. Sentiment Analysis is the process of ‘computationally’ determining whether a piece of writing is positive, negative or neutral. It’s also known as opinion mining, deriving the opinion or attitude of a speaker.
1. Tweepy: Python client for the official Twitter API.
2. TextBlob: Python library for processing textual data.

May 2018 – Jun 2018

Chat Messenger

Technologies: Java, Java Swing
Developed multi-client chat application using sockets and threads (client-server application).

Jan 2018 – May 2018

Yellow Pages

Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, node.js, angular, Java, Android
Developed Web application that allows to search for places information using the Google and Yelp API, and give results along with reviews, photos and directions using maps.

Mar 2018 – Apr 2018

Hotel Review Sentiment Classification using Perceptron Algorithm

Technologies: Python (Natural Language Processing)
Implemented perceptron classifiers (vanilla and averaged) to train model based on existing data and identify hotel reviews as either true or fake, and either positive or negative and classify new data.

Feb 2018 – Mar 2018

Hotel Review Sentiment Classification using Naive Bayes

Technologies: Python (Natural Language Processing)
Implemented Naive Bayes classifier to train model based on existing data and identify hotel reviews as either true or fake, and either positive or negative and classify new data.

Feb 2018 – Feb 2018

Intelligent Expression Analyst - IEA

Frontend : HTML/CSS, Javascript, Bootstrap, High charts
Backend : C#, Microsoft Cognitive Services API (Video Indexer API, Face API), Google-YouTube recommendations API hosted on Microsft Azure.
- Record/Upload your video speaking(for some occasion like say debate, interview or funeral).
- IEA will analyze your expressions and vocal tone describing you on how are you are being perceived by others.
- The recommendation model drives you to the YouTube link to improve the aspect of expressing.

Jan 2018 – Feb 2018

Hidden Markov Model for POS Tagging

Technologies: Python (Natural Language Processing)
Train data in "word/tag" format and classify untagged development data with part of speech (POS) tags.

Jul 2015 – Jun 2017

IRIS (Infibeam Rewards and loyalty system) (Infibeam.com)

Technologies: HTML, CSS, Ruby, Rails framework
Develop loyalty program system where customers earn points based on sales or special events which translate into some type of reward like gift card. Features: Mobile API, Exotel SMS, Mobile connect panel, Data ingestion and analytics.

Jul 2016 – Sep 2017

Reverse auction (POC – Mobile API and backend panel) (Infibeam.com)

Technologies: Ruby, Rails framework
Mobile application in which customer can bid for product and seller will place bid to offer customer best price.

Jul 2015 – Jan 2016

Mobile API for Music application (Infibeam.com)

Technologies: Ruby, Rails framework
Song and album automated ingestion, API for song streaming, playlist operations.

Jul 2014 – May 2015

Advertising analytics on a Dashboard (Academic Project)

Technologies: HTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL
Help the advisor how advertisement has affected its sales by measuring and converting the user activities to equivalent numbers.

Jul 2013 – May 2014

Secure IT (Learning Beyond Syllabus Project)

Technologies: Java Swing, SQL server 2008
Ensure safe online transactions using phishing detection approaches to secure users from malicious websites, image encryption, audio steganography for hiding message and offline browsing to access webpages without internet. The project is mainly developed for corporate firms.

Jan 2015 – May 2015

Tupperware Website (Academic Project)

Technologies: HTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL
Designed a website of home products line that prepares and serves kitchen and home products online.

Jan 2014 – May 2014

Automated Ballot System (Academic Project-J2EE)

Technologies: HTML, CSS, JSP, MySQL
Developed a voting system that facilitates users to caste vote for a polling question.

Jul 2014 – Dec 2014

Hungry Hero Game (Academic Project)

Technologies: Java, Adobe Flash Builder 4.7, Starling framework
Developed a game which aims at feeding maximum food by avoiding obstacles to score maximum.


From : Sarfaraz Girkar ( Project Manager at Infibeam.com )

Anagha used to work in my team for Ruby on Rails at Infibeam. Anagha is proactive, result oriented, responsible and technically sound employee. she is always ready to put all her energy and time to get the job done. She has an exceptional troubleshooting and analytical skill.

Anagha is highly creative and a very easy-going person to work with. She is very passionate and has great vision for her work. Her focus keeps everything moving smoothly, she makes sure all the deadlines are met, and makes sure that whatever project she is working on meets the highest standards.

Anagha did an exceptional job on recent projects. As I remember, Anagha was a very productive person. She is both smart and professional, deadline oriented and intelligent person.

An ambitious employee with boundless energy, that's Anagha! She is a great asset to any company. Highly recommended!


Advertising analytics on a dashboard

Paper focuses on developing a platform which would be primarily focused at measuring and converting the user activities to numbers that tell the advertiser how it has affected the conversion rates and returns. This also helps the companies to forecast their sales based on the current trends.

16 APR 2015

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3D PASSWORD – Modern approach to security

Authentication is provided to protect a system from potential threats and to ensure that only authorized people can have right to use or handle that system and data related to that system securely. Hence this paper mainly focuses on 3D Password which is a multifeature, multi-factor authentication scheme that combines the benefits of currently used authentication schemes into single 3D virtual environment.

04 NOV 2015

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Ruby on rails: The new GEM of web development

Paper focuses on Ruby on Rails which is a web application framework written in Ruby, a dynamically typed programming language. It is an open-source web framework that’s optimized for programmer’s happiness and sustainable productivity. It lets you write beautiful code by favouring convention over configuration. The amazing productivity claims of rails is the current buzz in the web development community.

23 JUN 2017

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